The Blooming Tales Blog — Sustainability news

Your "Passion for Fashion" doesn't have to die. You can still "Crush It" with a Sustainable Wardrobe!

Posted by Delise Bynes on

Your "Passion for Fashion" doesn't have to die. You can still "Crush It" with a Sustainable Wardrobe!

Hey moms (and dads) this blog is for you!... Question? Do you follow fashion. Do you know what's trending right now (covered in a future blog). Wouldn't you love to be a real "Fashionista"!!! 

Good News! Sustainable Fashion is possible in today's Global Environment! You can still "Crush It" with a Sustainable Wardrobe! Here are some ways to make it happen.

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Sustainability is Not a Trend

Posted by Delise Bynes on

Sustainability is Not a Trend
The world is in a race to limit climate change. Your "carbon footprint (CO2)" is the amount of greenhouse gases—primarily carbon dioxide—released into the atmosphere by a particular human activity.  Every human activity generates (CO2). Wait...There's more! Many of us have no idea how our current lifestyle impacts our (CO2). 

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